Where do you want to go?So you have set your flight plan with your intention, the coordinates are set for magic and off you go to have an amazing dream flying high in the sky to visit the moon and glimpse at the earth or shoot like a comet through the sky at time warp speed. You come back from this dream and share it all excited and energized! Now What?
What do you want to do?This is where it gets, fun when we can bring back a dream and take action on it in our waking world. If I dreamt of being a comet, I may want to visit a Natural Science Museum to view a Meteorite or even a planetarium. If I dreamt I traveled through the rainbow bridge into another magical world, I may want to draw the vision of my dream, or create a song to honor it. There is much fun and creative learning to come from inside the dream realms, and we are just getting started!