Collaborative Dreaming connects us to the deeper wisdom of the soul. When we pay attention to our dreams, our dreams pay attention to us. We start the conversation by sharing dreams in a safe and sacred way, where both the dreamer, and dreams are honored and heard. Calling dreams forth with dream incubation, we encounter an ancient approach to dreaming that was wildly popular in the ancient Dream Healing Temples of the Greco Roman World.
Collaborative Dreaming is rooted in animism, ancestral wisdom, ecofeminism, women’s spirituality, and our more than human relatives. A path to recall more dreams and enter dreaming more deeply with dream incubation, dream re-entry, and conscious group dream journeys guided by the drum.
Travel the cosmic web of dreams interwoven with the Energetic ley lines and sacred sites on the Earth. Enter elemental portals to the world behind the world, where healing stories are held in the land. Honor the spirits of the land, and our more the human relatives with sacred offerings to help restore balance between the worlds. Call upon departed loved ones who may visit in dreams and journeys to recall sacred wisdom lost and bring healing across generations.
What you seek is also seeking you, and with collaborative dreaming you can open the dreamways to invite in the community of beings with whom we reside alongside. Let yourself in.