Saturday Feb. 1st 11 a.m. CST online workshop Recorded version available Imbolc Dream Seeds Workshop with Valley Reed
Imbolc is the Celtic Cross Quarter Turn of the Wheel where we are at the midway point between Wimter and Spring. The seeds begin to quicken beneath the earth and an awakening of growth begins to take place. This potent time for beginnings and seeding our dreams for the future. We may bring through the deeper dreams of the soul and feel the blessings of Brigid to bring her healing and protection, guidance and creative inspiration.
Together we can create a safe and sacred space for dreaming, where the world behind the world conspires to collaborate with us in bringing about our deeper story. Here we connect with our more than human relatives, in connection with ancestral wisdom, and guidance of animal powers as part of our instinctual nature. We invite the powers that be in Heaven and Earth to bridge our destiny with dreaming and waking realities.
Collaborative Dreaming opens us to recall our place among the community of beings. We bring balance between the worlds when we open our dreams to connect with the unseen world, where helper spirits await an invitation to connect with us. What we seek is also seeking us.
We collaborate to create a safe and sacred space for dreams to be honored and heard. Our sacred space is anchored in creating a community altar with elemental offerings, or spirit tokens or talismans for protection. Together we explore conscious group dream journeys guided by the drum to invoke the powers that be to join us in collaboration with our deepest intentions. We inhabit our dreams by anchoring into our body wisdom as a safe container for holding intentions, and learning to trust ourselves very deeply, in order to let go into dreaming. We all know how to do this because we all dream each night. We don’t have to make ourselves dream, we can let go and trust as part of a sacred circle of dreamers where a safe space is held by all.
Bring your dream journal, pen, a blanket to lay on, and a dream to share.
This Workshop will be online on Saturday, and February 2nd 11:00 a.m.