Dream Seed Art Project
Dream Seed Art ProjectWe are always dreaming, and bringing dreams forth into the waking world, can help us wake up.
The Dream Seed Art project is about planting seeds of what our dreams bring us. A glimpse of a dream, when you wake and recall an image, or phrase, a song, or a sound. This project is about dream seed gathering and stringing them together to be seen and heard, cultivated and shared. Please submit your dream seed art to Valley Reed at [email protected] This will become part of a collaborative dream art exhibit. Submissions can be digital or paper and no larger than a seed packet. Include a written dream description with your submission, as well as title and contributor info. Submission fee is $22.00 All submissions will receive a packet of wildflower seeds. |
Dreaming CommunityPlanting dream seeds of intention as a community and focusing our dreaming energies together for a particular purpose, is how we enter into conscious community collaboration. Where your business, community, or collective, can have a shared vision, that is ever evolving as more information comes through and is shared.
Join this moment of co-creation in collaboration with community and collective consciousness, and cultivate dreams which inspire and guide our efforts. |